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Attaining Pleasure Every Day |  Naughty Sex & Dating Coaching Los Angeles

Attaining Pleasure Every Day

We were all born free spirits, but somewhere along the way social conditioning has dictated that it is somehow wrong to expect and enjoy pleasure every day. With pleasure comes a certain degree of guilt, as though to experience something nice we must endure something horrible to make up for it. But this is a total fallacy. We all deserve pleasure, and we all deserve it whenever we choose. There is nothing arrogant or indulgent about wanting to enjoy life to the max and feel physically and spiritually amazing all the time, so it's time to bin everything you've been taught and start learning how to attain pleasure every day.

Attaining Pleasure Every Day | Naughty Sex & Dating Coaching Los Angeles

Use nature's power

We are organic beings, much bigger and more important than the material things we surround ourselves with. It's OK to own beautiful stuff like houses, cars and clothes, but the more in tune you can get with yourself as a person, the happier you're likely to be, because you'll realize that superficial things don't matter. What does matter, is health, happiness and a good heart. This applies to sex as well - our bodies are natural sources of pleasure. There's nothing sinful or dirty about having regular sex, or masturbating every day. Take a proper look at your clit, pussy, vagina and ass and consider all the different ways they can be pleasured. Then get pleasuring!

Attaining Pleasure Every Day | Naughty Sex & Dating Coaching Los Angeles

Change the way you think

We are constantly being told that pleasurable things are bad for us; from eating rich, calorie-laden food and drinking alcohol, to taking long holidays or lying in bed for hours. Sure, we have to be sensible and not overdo things, but there's absolutely nothing wrong with indulging in the things that make you happy, without suffering the guilt. If it feels good, then it is good!

Attaining Pleasure Every Day | Naughty Sex & Dating Coaching Los Angeles

Give yourself what you deserve

You're a good person, right? So what's wrong with following your dreams or indulging in things which make you feel good? Whether it's sex, travel, food, entertainment or something more spiritual, nobody has the right to tell you you're not good enough or worthy enough to deserve pleasure.

Attaining Pleasure Every Day | Naughty Sex & Dating Coaching Los Angeles

Worship yourself

Enjoying pleasure also means you have to treat your mind and body with respect. Staying healthy, taking care of your body, getting sufficient sleep and generally listening to your body and recognizing its sights, sounds and smells, means you'll be in a better position to treat it royally, and realize when something isn't quite right. When it comes to sex, worshipping yourself also means you're more likely to enjoy longer, more intense orgasms, because you'll know what turns you on and how to get there.

Attaining Pleasure Every Day | Naughty Sex & Dating Coaching Los Angeles

See the bigger picture

Pleasure isn't just about sex, it's simply about pursuing the things that make you happy. Whether it's small things like eating a few blocks of luxury chocolate after dinner or enjoying a sensuous bubble bath, to bigger issues like following a career dream or visiting a far flung city, attaining pleasure means chasing anything which will enhance your soul and make you feel richer.

Attaining Pleasure Every Day | Naughty Sex & Dating Coaching Los Angeles

Recognize obstacles

Attaining pleasure isn't always easy for people who've been through trauma, like victims of sexual assault, abusive homes, substance abuse or even things like being bullied at work. Learning to recognize obstacles which might stop you from attaining pleasure will put you in a better position to overcome them. Rehab, therapy or simply talking to someone you trust, will help those obstacles evaporate so you can make yourself more open to the pleasure you deserve.

Attaining Pleasure Every Day | Naughty Sex & Dating Coaching Los Angeles

Take Control

Especially in your sex life, it's important to know that you have the power over your own destiny. Never give in to people or let them tell you what to do. Don't let partners dictate how you behave sexually, and always be confident enough to say 'no' if a situation makes you feel uncomfortable. Don't use sex as a weapon, withholding it from a partner as a punishment for something they've done, and don't let sex be used against you, either. Attaining pleasure is about purity - the simple pursuit of things which make you smile and laugh. Giving in to your urges is one of the most natural instincts we have, so don't be afraid to just let yourself go, guilt-free.

For more information on how to attain pleasure every day, plus lots more ways to improve your self-confidence and become a stronger, better you, check out my comprehensive Confidence Coaching Program.

- Sienna Sinclaire® - Naughty Lifestyle Guide - Los Angeles Dating & Sex Coach

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